Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BEAT WEEK (Day 3). Insomnia.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wax Tailor - Que Sera

Heard this song being played at a restaurant in Baltimore a few weekends ago, really dug it. Just catching up now on everything that I've been wanting to post these past few weeks.

Throwback Thursday: Rob Zombie - Dragula

Oh shit. I had basically forgotten that this song ever existed, so I went pretty apeshit when I randomly heard it being played on a rock station down in Baltimore while clicking through the channels.

The version they played was the original single, which was accompanied by this bad-ass music video back in 1998 (which I don't think I ever saw all the way through until tonight, just little snippets from the album commercial they used to play on TV when I was kid. P.S. Remember album commercials?)

The version I remember most fondly though was the remixed cut used on The Matrix Original Soundtrack. I remember not really understanding "studio magic" at that time, so I was always amazed that Rob Zombie could hold out that note on "dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" for like 16 bars straight without taking a breath. Little did I know it was just a cool effect.

Anyway, this song is the shit, and Rob Zombie is a crazy, brilliant bastard. You would never see a guy like this breakthrough into the mainstream today.