Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vince McMahon is ribbing me again...

So it started way back in 2003 when WWE superstar Chris Nowinski adopted a character very similar to my high school backyard wrestling character, The Genius.

He even cut a promo on RAW one night where he debuted the catchphrase "brains over brawn," which was uncomfortably close to The Genius' catchphrase, "mind over matter." Of course, seeing as how there was no YouTube back in 2003, and those classic backyard wrestling videos were never actually published online, I could excuse this theft of my intellectual property and write it off as a coincidence (especially considering that "The Genius" was, in fact, a ripoff of an old Lanny Poffo gimmick).

The plot thickened, however, when Brodus Clay re-debuted as the disco dancing "Funkasaurus." Complete with the tagline "the last known Funkasaurus in captivity."

Hmm. My "Swaggasaurus" song included the chorus line "the last of my kind." And this time, unlike the Chris Nowinski incident, my song and music video were very much online, and would have certainly attracted wrestling types with all of the references to Ric Flair, Razor Ramon, Buff Bagwell, Christian, etc. Now I'm getting suspicious.

So last night on RAW, comedy jobber Brad Maddox introduced a new gimmick. Yup, you guessed it, "The Brad Maddox Experience."

He is a big-mouthed blowhard with an over-inflated ego, dare I say, a god complex. So much so that his Twitter handle is @BradMaddoxIsWWE. Long time TradeMark fans will know that the entire early TradeMark persona was essentially me playing this kind of character.

Look, Vince - I'm flattered. But if you really love my gimmicks so much, just give me a call. We can work something out. RAW will be in Philly on December 17th, and you've got a few guys right now who could use a mouthpiece (Mason Ryan, I'm looking at you, man). In the meantime, if Jack Swagger re-debuts as "The Archduke of Johnson and Johnson," I'm getting in touch with Kafka and we'll see you in court...


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